How can I manage multiple profiles?

To register an additional profile, please follow the steps below:

  1. Reach out to Cause Support by submitting a ticket and provide the following information about your nonprofit: 
    • Organization’s name
    • Organization’s address
    • Organization’s website
    • Organization’s email
    • Registered charitable number
    • A brief description of your organization’s mission
  2. You will also need to provide three specific documents:
    • Government documentation showing your charitable or tax-exempt status. 
    • A letterhead document from a signing authority confirming that the individual is authorized to manage the organization’s Benevity cause profile.
    • A void check or bank document from your organization’s account. 

These documents are crucial to complete the User Verification step.

  1. This information will be reviewed by our internal teams. If approved, your existing user account will be associated with the new profile. After the new profile is linked to your account, you can switch between your profiles using the ‘Currently Managing’ dropdown menu located near the top left side of the Causes Portal screen.