When logged into their workplace giving account, our client’s employees can search for eligible causes within their program by cause name, registered charitable number, or keywords. They can further narrow the search results by country, province/state, or city.
To ensure your supporters can locate your cause profile in their search, we recommend adding Tags and Search Aliases to increase your findability. A complete profile that includes a Logo, Description, and Mission Statement to tell your donors about the work you’re involved in also helps donors find your cause.
Benevity manages workplace giving programs for many clients with different cause eligibility criteria. We do not disclose our client’s program eligibility requirements as that information is exclusive to their employees. If your cause profile is complete in the cause portal but not searchable within your donor’s workplace program, your donor will need to inquire internally to learn more about their company’s eligibility criteria.
Learn more about how to edit your cause profile and how to optimize your profile.